
Opening Song: Adore

Opening Prayer

Praise/Worship: Tuhan PadaMu Kupercaya

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4: 1-16

Praise/Worship: Lord I Need You

Sermon: To Become a Mature and Steadfast Christian; A Year Spiritual Journey
by Ps. Untung Ong

Responsive Song: Selalu Ada Jalan

Tithes & Ofering & Announcements

Closing Song: Selalu Ada Jalan

Benediction: By Pastor Untung Ong.

Worship Team

Worship Leader: Ps. Untung Ong

Musicians: Jeremy (Keyboard), Catharina (Bass), Axel (Percusion), Hannah (Guitar), Fang2 (Singers)

Song Lyrics


You stepped down from heaven
Humbly You came
God of all creation,
here with us
In a starlit manger
Light of the world, here to save

Adore, come let us a – dore
O come let us a – dore Him, the Lord
Worship Christ the Lord
Let all that is within us a – dore

Verse 2:
Wise men bring their treasures
Shepherds bow low
Angel voices sing of peace on earth
What have I to offer
To heaven’s King
I will bring my life, my love, my all

Angels sing, praises ring to the newborn King
Peace on earth, here with us, joy awakening
At Your feet, we fall



Yang bagiku mustahil
Itu kan mungkin bagiMu
Tiada yang melebihi kuasaMu

Meski bumi berguncang
Gunung gunung beranjak
Kau Tuhan yang teduhkan badai hidup

Tuhan padaMu kupercaya
Kuangkat tanganku berserah
Kumenaruh imanku kepadaMu

Kau Bapa yang selalu p’lihara
TanganMu yang turut bekerja
Engkaulah perisai perlindungan di hidupku

What impossible for me
It’s possible for You
Nothing exceeds Your power

When the Earth Quakes
And mountains moves
You are Lord who calm the living storm

Lord to You I believe
I raise my hands to surrender
Put my trust in You

You are Father who cares
Your hands do the works
You are my shield in my life



Verse 1
Lord I come I confess
bowing here I find my rest
And without You I fall apart
You’re the One
that guides my heart

Lord I need You oh I need You
Ev’ry hour I need You
My one defense my righteousness
Oh God how I need You

Verse 2:
Where sin runs deep
Your grace is more
Where grace is found
is where You are

And where You are Lord
I am free
Holiness is Christ in me
Where You are Lord
I am free
Holiness is Christ in me

So teach my song to rise to You
When temptation comes my way
And when I cannot stand I’ll fall on You
Jesus You’re my hope and stay

And when I cannot stand I’ll fall on You
Jesus You’re my hope and stay

My one defense my righteousness
Oh God how I need You



Ketika Jalan Kulalui
Berputar Di Padang Gurun
Engkaulah Yang Memelihara
Hidupku Sempurna

Verse 2:
Ketika Jalan Yang Ku Tempuh
Berujung Di Sungai Dalam
Engkaulah Yang Mengeringkannya
Untuk Kuseb’rangi

Selalu Ada Jalan
Saat Seakan Tiada Jalan
S’bab Tuhan Ada Di Depanku
Membuka Jalan Bagiku

Selalu Ada Jalan
Di Mana Ada Kemauan
Biarlah Ku Hidup Selalu
Di Jalan Yang Kau Tunjukkan

@Verse 2