1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y
Title | Lyric |
Kucinta Keluarga Tuhan | Kucinta keluarga Tuhan |
Kudatang Bersujud Di Tahta-Mu | Ku datang bersujud ditahta-Mu |
Kudatang Dan Sujud Di Kaki-Mu Yesus | Kudatang dan sujud |
Kudatang PadaMu S'karang | Tidak ada |
Kujadi Baru | Di saat kuhampiri |
Kukasihi Kau Dengan Kasih Tuhan | Kukasihi kau dengan kasih Tuhan |
Kumasuk Kehadirat-Mu | Ku masuk ke hadirat-Mu |
Kumasuki gerbangNya | Kumasuki gerbangNya dengan hati bersyukur |
Kumenang - Kumenang | Kumenang kumenang bersama Yesus Tuhan |
Kupersembahkan Hidupku | Ini aku, s'mua milikku |
Kuserahkan Pada Tuhan | Kuserahkan pada Tuhan |
Kusiapkan Hatiku Tuhan | Kusiapkan hatiku Tuhan |
Kutahu Bapa Pliharaku | Kutahu Bapa p'liharaku |
Lapangkanlah Tempat Kemah-Mu (Yesaya 54:2-3) | Lapangkanlah tempat kemahmu |
Lead Me To Calvary | King of my life, I crown Thee now, |
Lead Me to the Cross | Savior I come |
Leaning on The Everlasting Arms | What a fellowship, what a joy divine, |
Lebih Dalam Lagi | Satu hal yang kurindukan ya Tuhan |
Lebih dari S'galanya | Kuingin Kau Tuhan |
Lebih Dari Segalanya | Basuh aku di dalam |
Lebih Dari Segalanya Kuberharap Pada-Mu | Lebih dari segalanya |
Let Everything that has Breath | Let everything that, |
Let God Arise | Let God Arise |
Let it Rain | Let it rain, let it rain |
Let It Rise | Let the glory of the Lord rise among us |
Let My Words Be Few | You are God in heaven, |
Let the River Flow | Let the lost man say, |
Let Us Adore (Mari Kita Puji Dia) | Let us adore |
Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad | Let us rejoice and be glad |
Let Your Mercy Rain | God, You have done great things |
Life Means So Much | Every day is a journal page |
Light the Fire | I stand to praise You |
Light the Fire Again | Don't let my love grow cold |
Light The Fire In My Heart Again | I stand to praise you |
Lihat Raja Kemuliaan | Surga bumi bersuka |
Like Eagles | O my soul do you not know |
Lingkupiku | Lingkupiku dengan sayap-Mu |
Little by Little | Little by little bit, every day |
Little Drummer Boy | Come, they told me |
Live For You | One thing, one thing i desire |
Living Hope | How great the chasm that lay between us |
Lord Have Mercy | Jesus, I've forgotten the words that You have spoken |
Lord I Give You My Heart | This is my desire, |
Lord I Lift Your Name on High | Lord I lift Your name on high |
Lord I Need You | Lord, I come, I confess |
Lord I Offer My Life | All that I am, all that I have |
Lord I Thirst On You | Lord, I thirst on You |
Lord I Want to Be Like Jesus | Lord I want to be like Jesus |
Lord I Want To Thank You | Lord I want to thank You |
Lord I'm Amazed by You | You dance over me |